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The hotel


We are a small hotel with only eight rooms, all with private entrances from the garden. Outside the hotel, there is free parking for our guests - including four wall sockets for electric cars - and you can also land at the back if you choose to travel here by helicopter.


The hotel building, with a garden, is surrounded by ten hectares of field and pasture worms that extend just under three hundred meters down to the Baltic Sea. We left the land lie fallow for six years for it to be clean on chemicals and previous years' agricultural spraying. Then we turned it into a beautiful seabed, with organic grass and flowers.

We want your visit to our hotel to be easy, therefore most things are included in the base price so that you will hopefully leave here with a wonderful overall experience and a strong desire to return. ❤️

See our hotel packages

See our room types

Opening hours for the hotel
Opening hours for the restaurant
Bodelsson's by the Sea
Släbovägen 7E,
291 69 Fälkinge
+46 (0)44 77 77 777
Petit Hotel
Europe investing in rural areas

Copyright © 2010-2023 Bodelssons by the Sea 


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